D9010 The King's Own Scottish Borderer — Accurascale
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D9010 The King's Own Scottish Borderer

UGC ACC2160D9010

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D9010 – « Le King's Own Scottish Borderer »

  • Vert BR avec logos à double flèche et panneaux de nez jaunes enveloppants
  • Code principal : alphanumérique
  • Essuie-glace : deux par vitre
  • Chauffage des trains : chauffage à la vapeur
  • Fenêtre latérale cabine avant : présente
  • Position du klaxon : faisceau tampon
  • Écoutilles avant du bac à sable : présentes
  • Ouvertures du compartiment à piles : présentes
  • Phare à haute intensité : non monté
  • Aérateurs de pare-brise : non montés
  • Fer de la lampe centrale supérieure : présent
  • Bogies : fonte

Caractéristiques communes :

  • Modèle à l'échelle OO très détaillé, 1:76.2
  • Châssis en alliage métallique moulé sous pression
  • Fourni prêt DCC [Prise MTX 21 broches] ou son DCC d'usine équipé
  • Détails spécifiques au calendrier, y compris, mais sans s'y limiter :
    • Bogies (moulés et fabriqués)
    • Positions du klaxon
    • Orifices d'échappement
    • Panneaux Headcode
    • Essuie-glaces
    • Vitres latérales de la cabine
    • Hachures du bac à sable
    • Persiennes
    • Phares
    • Évents d'aération de la cabine
    • Équipement de chauffage des trains
    • Fer à repasser
    • Enlever les codes
  • Pièces détaillées en métal gravé et en plastique haute fidélité appliquées séparément, y compris poignées de maintien, marches, essuie-glaces, plaques signalétiques, écussons et plus encore.
  • Attaches mini-tension-lock de hauteur correcte avec prise NEM ainsi qu'une poutre tampon entièrement détaillée
  • Traction haute performance, à inclure ;
    • Moteur à cinq pôles avec deux volants
    • Boîte à engrenages hélicoïdaux en métal pour des performances maximales et un fonctionnement à vitesse lente
    • Engrenage disposé de manière à ce que la locomotive puisse atteindre une vitesse maximale de 120 mph (193 km/h)
    • Compatible DCC avec condensateur PowerPack pour une alimentation ininterrompue
    • Transmission intégrale et ramassage intégral
  • Pack d'éclairage entièrement détaillé, comprenant :
    • Éclairage directionnel, DC et DCC
    • Les feux de position peuvent être éteints lorsque le train est couplé à la locomotive
    • Fonction des phares à haute intensité, le cas échéant
    • Éclairage et éclairage de la cabine commutés séparément, détails de la console du conducteur, arrêt automatique en cas de mouvement
    • Éclairage du compartiment moteur
  • Roues RP25-110 Roues OO avec possibilité de recalibrage à p4 et écartement EM
  • Deux haut-parleurs de qualité avec de grandes capsules sonores pour le meilleur son possible (*sur les modèles équipés de sonorisation)
  • Tampons métalliques entièrement suspendus
  • Tuyauterie extra fine montée en usine

Rayon minimum 438 mm (2ème rayon réglé sur la voie)

D9010 The King's Own Scottish Borderer
Product Number
Pack Weight (g)
650.0 g

Lighting and DCC Specifics

Directional Lighting
DCC Specification
DCC Socket Format
21 Pin
Stay-Alive Power Pack Fitted

Customer Reviews

Based on 42 reviews

I pre order this model due to the demand at the time. I wasn't disappointed and having owned earlier versions of model Deltics I can say this one is by far the best. Lost of finesse, good finish and one of the most interesting of the transition liveries. What I like especially about this model is the sheer physical presence and weight and the reflection of this in the way it moves around the layout. Aye, I'm a happy bunny! 😉

Clive S.
Another supurb loco

Just as the brand say - accurate to scale - and runs well

Mark P.

This is one of the best trains I have ever seen, runs well looks fantastic

John W.
Nice livery variation

I bought 010 simply because of its transitional livery between green to blue. It makes the model a little different. The detail is beautiful


Wonderfully detailed loco with a few issues.
1. Handle with care - some parts may detatch without due attention to detail location and fragility.
2. I found 5 tiny loose pieces in the plastic wrap upon opening.
3. The bogie chains look great but two of mine have broken off.
4. Sand pipes are a feature, but two have already fell off.
5. I am experiencing occasional derailing on a peco electrofrog large radius point, usually the rear bogie lifting off the track.
6. The DCC CV setup on arrival is not great, especially acceleration and deceleration rates, but worst if all was the maximum speed set so high!

Kenneth W.
Best ever for the money

To all the manufacturers how can you compete with this model class 55 at this price and quality, looking forward to the manor class Accurascale has reset the bar if they keep this up I will only buy Accurascale for my layout.

Chris C.
55 Deltic King’s Own Scottish Borderer

The locomotive is highly detailed and very quiet when running which allows the sound features to be more distinctive. Overall a very nice model to add to my collection. It would be better if the crew was pre fitted to avoid disturbing the body shell.

Handle with care

Initial excitement on opening for the first time was tempered by discovery of 5 small loose pieces of hard black plastic inside the plastic film wrapping. I still don't know where these were from, but I guess some rough handling was evident during the factory packing. Otherwise it is a great loco, but does need careful handling as already a sand pipe at the rear bogie and a small chain have become detached. Sound is really good.

Andrew B.
Worth the wait

Long time coming but absolutely worth the wait!

Peter G.
Accurascale Deltic

Rather than a specific review of D9010, I'm sharing my views on the Accurascale Deltics in general as I ordered 7 in total. Overall, I'm very pleased with the models- the attention to locomotive specific accuracy is first class, not just to rather obvious things (though the first time on a model of a Deltic) like the absence or inclusion of additional grills above the nameplates or correct bogies, but even down to nos. 19,20 & 21 having the remains of fixings for the roof mounted horns they carried when first delivered. The number of fine and separately fitted details is astonishing given that the price is very competitive compared to other manufacturers. This detail, however, can be a problem in that some can become easily dislodged in transit. All seven of my models had at least one part broken off and some had several. Nothing I haven't been able to fix myself with a good illuminated magnifier and a steady hand! Overall, I'd say that these models are amongst the best I have even bearing in mind the small amount of repairing necessary. Well done Accurascale and I look forward to my pre-ordered class 37s, 31s and Manors.

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