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Accurascale Class 92 Enters Tooling

Accurascale Class 92 Enters Tooling

Our Class 92 CAD is now complete and has been sent to China for tooling! This keeps us on schedule for our release date of Q1 2020.

As you can see in these images of the CAD render, the roof detail in particular has been where our desire and passion for detail can really shine through. We were adamant that we would do these complex beasts justice and for that to happen we had to ensure that the roof features all the precise detail as per the prototype. 

We have also come up with an intriguing solution to feature on our Brecknell Willlis pantograph, which will allow it to raise and lower via DCC. This will be fully functional around ESU Loksound 5 as per our sound fitted locomotives and with non-sound DCC decoders with the correct amount of functions. More details on this will be revealed later in the project.

With the prototype locomotives now beginning to operate with the new Mark 5 Sleeper coaches in service they will be grabbing the headlines as one of the most popular locomotives on the network for years to come and are sure to be desired by modellers of operations since the mid 1990s to the latest developments on the real railway. Order yours today.

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